
Finding the Right Baby Soap for Your Babys Skin

Baby Soap

Aren't all soap the same, especially baby soap? Do you really need to look at which baby soap you use with your new born baby? Bath time can be worrisome enough for new parents with a new baby. Is the water too hot or too cold? How do I hold the baby specially when they are all wet and slippery? Am I doing things right? With all these things to worry about, we should be completely sure that the baby soap we use is completely safe and gentle for your baby's skin.

Finding the Right Baby Soap

Keeping your baby's skin clean is one of the most important things you can do to help your baby stay healthy, and baby soap plays a very important role in keeping your baby's skin clean. So we need to make sure that we are using:

You need to make sure that your baby soap is gentle because otherwise it could be irritating your baby's skin during or after bath time, and this would actually be opposite to what bath time is supposed to do. The baby soap that you use should be hypoallergenic since you do not know what your baby may be allergic to, and they are more susceptible at this very young age. Baby soap also needs be non-toxic since young babies like to put their hands in their mouth, and you want to know that if your baby swallows some of the baby soap, they will be safe. Finally, your baby soap should be Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLS) free. SLS is a harsh chemical that is used as the chief foaming agent in soaps, including some baby soaps. The Journal of the American College of Toxicology said, "SLS can damage the immune system, causing separation of skin layers and inflamation of skin." Is this something you would like to expose your baby's skin to by using harsh baby soap?

Consider using natural baby soap that is made from only natural ingredients insuring that it is safe and gentle on your baby's skin. Many times natural baby soap even helps protect and soothe your baby's skin.

During the first few weeks and months of your babies life, your baby's skin will develop spots, rashes, and some dots. This is normal. They will come and go naturally, but if you are concerned, then do not hesitate to contact your doctor or pediatrician. Even though your baby's skin will go through a few rough times, if you are using the right baby soap, then you know that you are caring for your baby's skin as best as you can.

Erwin Venegas is a father who runs an e-commerce site for Natural Baby Products with his wife.



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