
Baby Shower Game Distraction

The best baby games for baby showers to entertain all of your guests and let the mother-to-be benefit from the experience of others. Your baby shower then will become more than a party. It's an entertaining learning experience.

One of the most educational baby games for baby showers for new moms is also often the most fun. It's called Distraction. This is for two or three players at one time. The supplies you need will be two to three dolls.

Because baby showers are usually held in the 7th or 8th month of pregnancy. It's probably more relaxing and fun for the mommy-to-be to only watch. This is because this is one of the more active baby games for baby showers.

Two or three volunteers (perhaps one or two people who don't yet have children?) are the actors. They begin simply by holding the dolls. The baby shower hostess tells them their babies are crying. They each try to console the baby.

This is where the distractions begin. Members of the "audience" (your other baby shower guests, including the guest of honor) begin yelling out distractions one at a time. All of the acting mothers have to deal with each distraction, while still comforting their crying baby.

As baby games for baby showers are for the entertainment of the baby shower guests, let them get as creative as possible. Potential distractions can include the dog needing to go outside. Then maybe they waited too long to let the dog out and have to clean up a doggie accident while not dropping the crying baby.

Meanwhile, the UPS man comes to the door needing the mommies to sign for a package. The phone might also be ringing while something is burning on the stove. Get the picture?

It's hilarious to watch the ways the mommy actors deal with all of the distractions. These types of baby games for baby showers are also good for the real mommy-to-be to pick up some words of advice from veteran mothers.

She might get a few ideas while enjoying a good laugh. Maybe when the time comes for her to actually deal with similar distractions. She will think back to the baby games for baby showers at her party and be able to smile.

Other great baby games with an educational twist - both for the mommy-to-be and the baby-to-be - include birthday card or videotape advice activities. With the birthday cards, each guest gets an age.It's a good idea to start with age 10 or so. The baby shower guests then write a special message to the baby. They write this message on a card that will be opened once the child reaches the age specified. Each baby shower guest should read her card aloud before sealing the envelope.

Videotape advice requires a camcorder or digital video camera. However, if those are not available, it can also be done with a tape recorder. But that isn't quite as nice. The baby shower guests simply each give words of advice to the new mom. The hostess can guide the baby shower guests as far as advice.

Possible ideas for your baby shower games are "When you're feeling stressed, you should?.." or describing what to expect with different ages. Not only are these activities fun baby games for your baby shower guests, they will be cherished keepsakes for Mom to enjoy over the years.

Instead of just rehashing the same old baby games, try to bring in some creativity to provide more entertainment to your baby shower guests. And always think of why you're all there - to celebrate the birth of a child and help prepare a new mother.

© Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

Randy has dozens more baby shower related articles such as Diaper Cakes, Games for a Baby Shower and How to Plan a Baby Shower.



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