
Mobiles For Babies Can Prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Mobiles are well known for its effectiveness in capturing and keeping baby's attention. Colorful and moving mobiles will stimulate the baby's brain and encourages him to explore the things around him. Mobiles with lullaby tunes are even better. With mobiles, you can stop worrying about an uncooperative baby when changing diapers or a wailing baby before he goes to sleep.

Besides the above reasons for having a mobile on your baby's cot, the most important usage of a mobile comes from the American Academy of Pediatrics. The academy has released a statement to urge all mothers to place their babies to sleep on their backs to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Since then, the SIDS rate has decreased by more than 30%. If you are worried about flat heads, just rotate the position of the mobile around the baby's cot. The babies will turn their heads towards the mobile and thus giving the same amount of pressure to different part of his head. Simple yet useful. Choose a mobile that fits the theme of your baby's room and make sure the mobile looks nice from your baby's view (meaning from bottom looking up towards the mobile)!

Michele Lum ( is the founder and CEO of Ideas To Enhance Home, a site where you can get free tips and ideas on how to enhance your home for better life in health, business, romance, children and security just by placing interesting home decors and setting up simple systems.

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