
Important Safety and Styling Features of Baby Cribs

Baby Cribs are the feature item in any baby's nursery. Most parents can get away with keeping their newborn in a bassinet for the first few weeks of life; eventually however, all parents will have to invest in some type of baby crib to ensure their newborns safety during the early years.

The number of different crib types available can often be overwhelming. There are sleigh, convertible, mini, wooden and rocking cribs to name a few. Some of the most popular baby cribs are those that convert into a toddler bed. Buying this type of crib is an economical decision allowing baby to use the same bedding for years to come. Other types of convertible baby cribs allow the crib to be attached next to the parent's bedside for co-sleeping arrangements. This style of crib is often a popular choice among attachment parenting supporters, who believe that baby is better off sleeping with mom and dad for the first few months of life.

Some of the newest version baby cribs have the capability of 'rocking' your newborn to sleep. This can be an exceptional plus when trying to get a colicky baby to sleep. Keep in mind however, when considering this style of crib that eventually baby will outgrow the rocking crib and have to move to an ordinary bed. The transition might be a little disconcerting at first. Babies develop habits early on, and a baby who learns how to fall asleep with rocking will likely require some type of soothing mechanism in order to fall asleep in the years to come.

No matter the type of baby crib you decide on, there are certain important safety factors you should take into consideration before purchasing. These include the following:

Some other considerations when you are searching for baby cribs include how secure the drop side latches are. You want to be certain that they are strong enough to prevent baby from accidentally unlatching them. Also, when setting up your baby crib, be certain not to fill the babies bed with extra blankets or stuffed animals. Such items also pose a suffocation risk, especially during the first four months of baby's life when SIDS is a risk factor. Lastly, be certain that you do not place the crib within reach of any hanging objects that baby might accidentally grab onto and pull down.

Many parents often look for a colorful mobile to attach to the rail of their baby crib. This is a fine idea, and can provide your baby with hours of stimulating entertainment. Just be certain that you remove the mobile by the time baby is sitting up, so that she doesn't accidentally pull the mobile down or become entangled in any loose strings.

Adriana Copaceanu is a busy mom of 2. Visit her Busy Moms Online if you are looking for ways to maximize your precious time. And if you are a new mom, you'll find everything you need to know at her Baby's First Year website.



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