
Babies & Toddlers Information

Every Baby Shower Needs Great Baby Shower Games!

Games for a baby shower help the baby shower hostess make sure that all guests feel at ease.In most cases, only the mother-to-be knows all the invited guests, so the introductions as well as conversation starters are the responsibility of the hostess.

Beyond Flash Card : How To Do The Infant Visual Stimulation In Fun And Creative Ways

Babies learn about the environment surrounding them through five senses: vision, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting. Of those five senses, vision is the least developed sense a baby has at birth.

Your Baby Nursery - Decorating a Fabulous and Functional Room

Decorating a baby nursery can be one of the most enjoyable tasks that you have before your bundle of joy arrives. There are many baby nursery themes to choose from and narrowing it down to just one may be your most difficult decision.

How to Have the Perfect Baby Boy Invitations

Baby boy invitations are the first thing you'll need to share the good news of the new arrival with all your friends. It's time to celebrate and baby showers are the perfect way to express love and thoughtfulness to the mother and baby to be.

Baby Clipart for All Your Baby Shower Printing Needs

Baby clipart is the perfect accent to all of your baby shower printing needs. Whether announcements, invitations, thank you notes or stationery.

Tips for Discreet Breastfeeding in Public

If you're a new Mom who is nursing your baby you may be nervous about doing so in public.Or perhaps you are disturbed by media reports of women who are harassed for breastfeeding in public and are considering pumping your milk to give your baby when you leave home.

Theory of Child Cognitive Development

Jean Piaget has allowed us many insights into child cognitive development and his valuable research made great inroads concerning brain functioning in general. According to Piaget and his theories on child cognitive development, children are born with a great desire to interact with and understand the world around them.

Perfect Baby Shower Idea List for Necessity Type Baby Gifts

Perfect Baby shower idea lists for necessity type baby gifts. By necessity type baby gifts, I mean items which every expecting mother needs.

Baby Girl Shower Invitations

Baby girl shower invitations basic theme is the welcoming of baby girls into the fold of a family. Baby showers celebrate the arrival of a baby/babies into this world.

Baby Shower Centerpieces That Double as a Gift!

Here you will learn how to make and where to purchase your baby shower centerpieces. As the centerpiece is the focal point of the baby shower, it is very important for you to design or purchase the right one.

Human Milk Bank Donor Helps Premature and Sick Infants and Children

Lisa Fozo (37), a Fair Oaks resident, wanted to breastfeed so much that when her two sons didn't latch on, she pumped her own milk and bottle fed it to them. With her first child, Alex, (5) she had an excess of milk and had to discard it.

Childrens Gift Ideas: Babies, Toddlers, and Beyond

When your time comes to shower a new mom or family with baby gifts, keep in mind that not all gifts are created equally.Baby gifts can be broken down into several categories, including those for infants, toddlers and beyond.

Solving Baby Sleep Problems - Its Time to Sleep

If you're a parent with a young child then here's a question that may make you yawn - what were you doing this morning at 1am, 3am or 5am. Were you sleeping like a baby or were you in fact cuddling and rocking your little cherub in an attempt to get them back to sleep? After all that's what being a parent is all about - isn't it?!A lucky few will have been asleep in bed throughout the night, but a large percentage of the parenting population will have been up feeding or pacing the floor with the little bundles of joy.

Fun and Easy Baby Shower Crafts

Baby shower crafts can be fun and easy to make. Here are some practical ideas to make sure your baby shower is a huge success.

Baby Shower Favors to Spice up Your Baby Shower

Baby Shower Favors should be at every baby shower for its guests. Cute little items, items that are easily available, are perfect for your baby shower.

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The Five Best Baby Shower Gifts
Ask first time parents-to-be what baby shower gifts they would like to receive. Watch their response -- you'll quite likely see a look of real confusion on their faces! Or maybe they'll come up with a stock answer like "diapers" or something similar.
Baby Crib Advice and Tips
Congratulations! You have just learned that you are having a baby. Whether this is your first or not you need to look at cribs.
Child Safety in the Home
In the 15-year period from 1982 to 1996, the leading cause of death among young children was accidents, poisoning and violence (external causes) -- these accounted for about 46% of all deaths among Australian children.Although the death rate from external causes declined, it remained the leading cause of child death during this period.
White Noise for Baby Stops Colic Crying Fast
It's true. Colic is MUCH harder on the parent than the infant.
Language Development In Your Baby
From birth to one year your baby will go from crying to cooing to talking. Those are amazing milestones for your baby to accomplishment in such a short period of time as he develops his speech and language skills.
Four Problems and Solutions on Feeding Your Newborn
Parents always want to give their babies the very best. When it comes to nutrition, there is nothing like breast milk.
Planning a Baby Shower
This article has information for the novice as well as the more experienced. Information is provided pertaining to when to plan the shower, who should give the shower and how to go about planning a baby shower.
Baby Stroller and Pushchairs - Out and About
Having a family day out is not exactly stress free, but with some of the new Buggies on the market you can make it a more enjoyable experience for all involved. I am going to introduce you to three of the top buggies on the market at the moment.
How to Meet the Dietary Needs of Babies - Health, Palate, and Lifestyle
More and more studies are proving that food has a large impact on our overall health and may even determine which diseases and ailments we will get later in life. The more we are aware of the importance of our food choices the earlier we can teach and protect our children.
Baby Signing - 10 Easy Ways to Start Signing with Your Baby
Babies can communicate their needs and desires a lot earlier than we think. They have an instinctive need to communicate.
Hello World: Babys Third Month Guide
Remember how you wished your baby would learn there is more to life than crying, feeding and sleeping? Your wishes are coming true. Your baby's third month will see her become much more interactive.
How to Save Money on Wedding and Baby Shower Favors
Planning on having a wedding or baby shower soon? Getting favors is a nice way of saying thank you to your guests for coming. Here are some tips for saving money when purchasing baby shower or wedding favors.
4 Tips for Taking Great Baby Pictures - Even If Youre Not a Professional
When my daughter Layla was born I had a hard time putting the camera down. And apparently I wasn't the only one.
Learning Activities For Your Baby
Books and Babies - For babies from age 6 weeks to 1 year Sharing books is a way to have fun with your baby and to start him on the road to becoming a reader. What You Need Cardboard or cloth books with large, simple pictures of things with which babies are familiar Lift-the-flap, touch- and-feel, or peek-through play books (For suggestions, see Resources for Children,What to Do?Read to your baby for short periods several times a day.
Baby Development - But What Role do Parents Play?
It is truly amazing the development that a baby experiences in the first year of life. Every week seems to bring another milestone for parents as well as baby! The primary way a baby learns is through play and baby games, it is how they start to make sense of their world.
Guide to Choosing Toddler Toys
The play has many more functions for toddlers than for adults. For toddlers, play is not just a way to relax but it is also the best way to learn and perfect skills like walking, balance and controlling the hands.
Fun and Easy Baby Shower Crafts
Baby shower crafts can be fun and easy to make. Here are some practical ideas to make sure your baby shower is a huge success.
Baby Shower for Twins (Or More) Peas in a Pod
Baby shower for twins or multiples can be given when the mother-to-be is expecting twins or more. Having twins is twice as nice.
Tantrums - Breaking the Cycle
Tantrums don't suddenly appear. They are learned.
5 Best Free Child Games for Your Preschooler
There seems to be more and more pressure on parents these days to enrol their pre school children in all sorts of innovative learning programs. There are music and swimming classes, craft centres and activities to promote movement, motor skills or sporting ability.