
Advantages Of A Sheepskin Underlay For Babies

Sheepskin offers unique advantages as an underlay for babies.

One of the advantages of a sheepskin underlay for babies is portability. Sheepskin is lightweight and easily rolled up, which means that you can always keep a sheepskin underlay at hand to provide a sanitary layer beneath your baby.

The fibers are held in place by a treated leather backing that is both fluid- and urine-resistant, in the case of High Temp sheepskin. This gives sheepskin characteristics such as durability and water resistance, making sheepskin underlays suitable for both indoor and outdoor use as a protective layer.

Another advantage of a sheepskin underlay for babies is that it draws moisture away from your baby, first pulling moisture away from your baby's skin, then trapping between 30 and 36 percent of the sheepskin's own weight in moisture, thanks to the high-density, soft, springy wool fibers of natural sheepskin.

The fibers also provide padding, another of the advantages of a sheepskin underlay for babies. The fibers distribute weight over a larger surface area than do other materials.

Sheepskin fibers regulate temperature, too. On chilly days, sheepskin will keep cool air away from the baby's skin. On hot days, it will reduce heat by allowing air to circulate. Typically babies sleep better on a sheepskin underlay.

A final advantage of a sheepskin underlay for babies is that High Temp sheepskins may be machine washed and dried. Using a soap that includes lanolin-sheepskin's natural oil-will help ensure that your baby's sheepskin underlay will remain in good condition for years.

Ian Partridge owns a number of websites specialising in Australian Sheepskins, due to interest from the parents of young families a website was created called which has more info and links



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